Peter Pan (1951)

Disney Animated films are well known to play to the inner child of the audience and Peter Pan is no exception. The film is basically about every child's dream come true, a magical place where you never have to grow up, the ability to fly, pirates, mermaids, wild animals everywhere, it's just great. But the film is not all about eye candy to the children but it is packed a cast of incredibly likeable and charming characters. Peter Pan (voiced by Bobby Driscoll) makes a very likeable and charming hero. He's smart, witty, and a wise-cracker, but is still an immature yet innocent child at heart. His relationship with all his friends including Wendy (voiced by Kathryn Beaumont), the Lost Boys, and of course Tinker Bell are fully fleshed out and though at some point he may differences with each one of them, he still acts as a devoted friend to all. Again which makes him like a child, has issues but is able to get over them very quickly and still able to feel strong emotions for whoever he cares about. Then we got Captain Hook (voiced by Hans Conried) who in my opinion has the ability to be funny yet threatening at the same time. His comedic scenes he shares with his bumbling sidekick Smee or the crocodile are all extremely fun to watch and they kill me everytime I see them. But at the same time Hook can be a threatening and diabolical villain when he wants to be and he is the perfect match up against our hero, even if at times he acts like a cowardly cod fish. Everything from the animation, characters, songs, and everything one likes in their Disney film is present and just at the right level. Easily one of the most likeable films of all time is also one of my favorite films of all time!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
In one of his best adventures, the famous and charming fedora wearing archaeologist is own a race against the Nazis in a quest for The Holy Grail, and this time he is joined by James Bond..I mean his dad Sean Connery as Henry Jones Sr. I say out of all the Indiana Jones films this one is probably the most light-hearted even though it was the first to earn a PG-13 rating. But its predecessor Temple of Doom was responsible for that so I digress. But it still has everything one would expect from an Indiana Jones film, great action, great build up, fun characters, and a quest against evil for a religious artifact that could decide the fate of the entire world. Sure the action and adventure is great as always but what really makes the film, and I know those who like this film would agree with me upon, is the interaction between Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and his father. This is one of the BEST duo chemistry that has ever been put into film. Harrison Ford's gruff and no nonsesne personality greatly works off of Sean Connery's more relaxed, cool, and laid back attitude. Even the though the charatcers are very different from each other its still believeable that these two are father and son. Just by conversations they have and the way the two work off of each other makes it all seem so real. But going back to the action and adventure, it is still very enjoyable especially with Sean Connery in for the ride. Indiana Jones is still the great adventurer we all know and love and with Sean Connery who is famous for playing another iconic film hero, how could you go wrong. You can't, this film made sure it took advantage of what they were given along with adding great character development and an enjoyable story. Easily one of the perfect adventure films.
Strange story about this film, is that when it was being released I thought it was going to be one of those boring family films that no one is going to remember, despite the director who was attached to it. But after it gained some widely positive reviews I decided to check it out. The result, I was far from disappointed. Hugo is one of those films that send romantic love letters to lovers of film and boy does it show in in this film. Not only is Hugo about where film started, but it pays tribute to it so beautifully. The magical and wondrous story has the heart of a family film, the characters are memorable as well as three dimensional, speaking of three dimensional I saw the film in 3D and it is one of the best looking 3D films that I have ever seen, probably the best that I have seen. But as I was saying the film succeeds in paying tribute to early works of film with the way some of the frames are shot, its love for its topic, and paying tribute to why this visual media should always be regarded as a great piece of art. I am very grateful for films like this because not only is it a family film, but it can use that distinction to educate children about something they know exists, but they do not know much about and I find that very rare and new. Hugo makes us even more passionate about film because it is passionate about it, and it succeeds in showing it and reminding us of why film is such great entertainment through its message and production on its own.
Hugo (2011)

Inception (2010)

When I first saw this film, I was blown away but not only the visual effects but how original the story was. This is one of the most original stories had seen in a while back then and it was so refreshing to watch. I would rank this film also as one of the best action films of all time because whenever there is an action scene it is always tense and it leaves me on the edge of my seat seeing what's going to happen next or how our protagonists are going to get out of a situation. Plus its one of those science fiction action films that does not only uses its genre to impress us with ideas and visuals, but it also has some very strong character development and dilemmas, mostly having to do with the main character Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his wife Mal (Marion Cotillard). Having the image of a deceased wife represent the form of guilt and pain in a dream is beyond fascinating and you can totally understand the problems Cobb has in order to control or get over it. Obvious as it is for a husband to feel guilty for his wife's suicide is beyond torturing, DiCaprio really dives into the character through his incredible acting we can tell what he's going through. It just adds to the many complications and troubles our characters have to go through in order to accomplish the main mission. With incredible amount of tense action equal to the incredible amount of tense drama, Inception is one of those action films that deserves the praise. And I honor it by adding it to my Top 60 List.
Midnight in Paris (2011)

The main reason why I like this film is because it is one of those on this lists that I can almost relate with. This is mainly because of the main character Gil Pender (Owen Wilson). Gil is a person who loves nostalgia and things of the past. He adores all sorts of artists from the past whether they would be literary or visual artists, and he has a very strong passion for writing. He also likes to be in nice environments and likes to explore other ideas and areas that are outside the norms the life he was raised in set for him and the ones set by his fiancee, played by Rachel McAdams. But once he is granted the past to journey into the past to meet some of his idols such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Salvador Dali, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, an T.S. Eliot, you can tell that he is in heaven. The conversations he has with each and every one of them are actually surprisingly entertaining. I think this is because this one of those fantasies that a lot of us dream about. Not specifically having a chat with this certain group of artists, but whoever was famous for inspiring us to have that passion for whatever our interest is. Gil is also the type of person who absolutely does not care of what others think of him, he just goes on minding his own business and worries about his own interests and not what others think of him. This the type of person who that I want to be yet I probably already am at the same time. I am a very self-conscious person and I am always trying to be aware that I do not do or say something that might ultimately publicly humiliate me. But whenever I am into my passion and stay focus on it, it is all that I concentrate on, it helps me escape from the worldly problems and the problems that people would have with me and vice versa. I also love the chemistry between Gil and Marion Cotillard's character Adriana. Adriana is a very charismatic and charming woman who seems to be fun whenever she is around. The romance between the two also is not that forced, the film just shows the two of them spending time together and sharing their similar interests. And from the looks of it they enjoy each other's company and they both feel like they found someone who they can relate to. I think its one few and rare type of romances that actually seems real and actually heartwarming. The film's message is also one that is rare but overall a very good one, that it is not always good to live in the past but that does not mean we can't cherish the gifts we had receive from it. Whether it would be from my childhood or nostalgic memories, Midnight in Paris thought me that its okay to love the things from the past as long as I continue to cherish the present and what it has to offer me in the future. I really felt like it literally spoke to me.
As the franchise for this film progressed and sequels were being made, I do not think Sylvester Stallone took them as seriously as he did with this film. Either way, Rocky serves as a great film to start of a popular film series and could have served as a stand alone classic. Unlike its sequels, with the exclusion of Rocky II, this film feels genuine, like a lot of heart was put into both the story and the production value. The heart of the film is of course Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone). He may seem like the typical tough guy with a soft heart, but there is way more to him than that. Whenever he interacts with other people he does not go pick a fight with them, as you think he would judging by his appearance. He actually talks to people, he has conversations with them, and regular conversations that normal people would have, or regular conversations that this type of character would have. The conversations he was with and the way he works off of characters like his girlfriend Adrian (Talia Shire), her brother Paulie (Burt Young), his trainer Mickey (Burgess Meridith), or the loan shark he works for, all seem real. Mainly its because the character has such strong chemistry with each and every one of them, especially with Adrian and Mickey. With Adrian you do believe the two are in love with each other even before they admit when Rocky tries to flirt with her while she's just in the corner shy and hardly uttering a word. The two have strong feelings for each other and they behave like a normal and strong couple, the two would go to the ends of the earth to please the one they love. To me, the two has one of the best romance relationships ever in film. With Mickey, you can tell the two knew each other for a long time and that they are able to get each other out of trouble or when they are struggling with an inner conflict. Though most of the time Mickey is screaming and scolding Rocky, there are times when he is patient and calm with him, showing that he is not just Rocky's trainer but also his best friend. Also what makes Rocky such a center of the film is even though when he talks to people he seems chipper, but by himself he feels lonely, depressed, and feels like he has accomplished nothing in life. Only to fight freelance but what good does that do when people are constantly calling you a bum? That's why his main goal by the end of them film is not really to win against Apllo Creed (Carl Weathers), but to go the distance with him. That way he can prove that the fight is not a showcase, but a chance to prove to others that he is worth more thank they think of him to be. I think this is more powerful than him trying to win simply its a way to ascend from his depression, doubts, and fears and to prove he has the heart of a true fighter. Rocky just proves that anyone from anywhere can be a hero and an extraordinary person, you just have to go that extra step to prove it.
This is a film that has no supernatural elements but still comes off as a thrilling gothic story. The film starts off like any other film noir but once the show stealer, Norma Desmond (Gloria Swanson) comes into the picture the film takes a dark turn in an atmosphere of chills, thrills, and shocks. Norma Desmond may seem like a depressed out of work actor, but that depression only led her to become not only attention seeking, but also a disturbed, sick, and creepy individual. She is one of those perfect examples of a tragic villain, when she's threatening you feel threatened, but when she's happy and get what she wants her emotions are genuine. There are times where you can both feel uneasy when she's around but also sympathize with her. Especially the fact that when we learn that her career used to be striving and that she used to be a strikingly beautiful woman. But unfortunate circumstances put here where she is and the attention that gave her riches are now spoiling her mind instead of her needs. But not only is Norma one of the reasons why I enjoy the film so much but also the direction of the film by Billy Wilder. He has the ability to take us away from an everyday world within the film and drop us in another with an uneasy but delicious gothic tone. The shadows, the lights, the angles, and not forgetting the acting all successfully establish the film's tone and keeps us invested in every frame of the film. Its one of those films one has to experience because it gives us open ideas of how we can view the world in various and interesting ways as well the chance to explore an individual we do not know much about.
I used to have a love/hate relationship with this film, but the more I watched the more I opened up to it about what it wanted to present, and also it just got better and better for me. Maybe it's because I was too use to the 1989 Tim Burton film and how that perfectly represented the conflict between Batman and The Joker. One of my only minor gripes of the film is that I never really thought Batman and The Joker's rivalry was not strong enough, but the film is not entirely about that. Its mainly about what pushes the limit for the human race to completely lose their humanity as well as their sanity. The Joker (Heath Ledger) perfectly represents that idea. This Joker is mysterious, unpredictable, and an overall enigma We do not know where he came from, who he really is, who his family is, who is friends are, all we know that he is an ill person who wanders the world causing chaos and havoc, which by his beliefs are the only ways to to survive in this world. His belief is that being civilized is to challenging for the human race to act because it can be eventually and easily corrupted, which the Joker tries to prove to Gotham City with his crimes. I used to be indifferent to Heath Ledger's performance as again I was too used to Jack Nicholson's performance in the 1989 film, but I did eventually open up to it and it did get better the more and more I watched this film. Ledger's Joker successfully proved that a character like this can be real and come to life, and Heath Ledger did that tremendously with his acting. He has a corrupt mind, he seems like before he was everyday guy before he cracked so he can be anyone, he's dangerously threatening, and being the Joker is able to work in some dark comic relief with his dry and disturbing sense of humor. The character of Batman (Christian Bale) is also interesting to watch, despite the incredibly obnoxious voice. Though I never really saw the rivalry between these two icons in the film, Batman still has this strive to stop the Joker's grandmaster plan to corrupt Gotham City and to prove that the city is full of good people as well as immortal hope and belief in salvation. Despite that the obstacles get tougher and tougher as the film progress, Batman still manages to be Batman, going to extreme lengths to save the day. So in reality the rival the two share with each other in the comics as well as other forms of media may still be present after all. The action scenes is easily one of the best I have seen in any action movie. Unlike its predecessor Batman Begins, where there were a lot of shaky cam and the action scenes were hard to make out, this film takes its time and by adding great build up and constant action visuals happening in its action scenes. The images are sharper and the film gives the audience a good amount time to let the situations sink in without it being rushed. Every obstacle our main protagonist face and the decisions that have to be made only get tougher and tougher. The entire film is a fun, well wrtiten, well acted, action pack thriller that is a satisfying ticking time bomb from beginning to end.
Leon: The Professional (1994)

This film is pretty interesting;
it manages to be very heartwarming and touching, but still be really action
packed. A young girl named Mathilda played by a young Natalie Portman witnesses
the murder of her very uncaring family by a group of mobsters led by Gary
Oldman. So she is looked after by a professional assassin named Leon (Jean Reno) who she begs to train her as an assassin so she can kill the crooks
who murdered her family. He does teach her how to be an assassin but to me the
film more about the growing relationship between these two lost souls. Mathilda
yes is tough and outspoken but at the same time very frightened, timid, and
sympathetic but to that advantage that might help her have a chance of becoming
a better person in the future more than just a cold blooded killer. She is sort
of like the opposite of Mattie from the True Grit remake, she wants revenge but
she isn’t as cold and dark like Mattie, she has a sense of humor, she’s spunky,
and is shown that she can be a really nice person, despite the fact she wants
to kill. Leon is the lone wolf who shuns himself from the world and hardly has
any friends except for the restaurant owner. Until he meets Mathilda thought
you sense a sensitive, likeable, and light-hearted side to him. The two help
each other out by giving each other companionship and a friend to talk and
relate to. Though yes it is mainly an action movie I really get sucked in into
the relationship our two lead characters have, the conversations they have,
their daily activities, and how they actually learn how to teach other. That
and Gary Oldman’s acting is enjoyably over the top. Though I do say the actions
are pretty good though, they are actually pretty intense and gritty, it’s very
well done. The Professional is a good movie that I really enjoy but there are
54 others to get to.
Rocky (1976)

As the franchise for this film progressed and sequels were being made, I do not think Sylvester Stallone took them as seriously as he did with this film. Either way, Rocky serves as a great film to start of a popular film series and could have served as a stand alone classic. Unlike its sequels, with the exclusion of Rocky II, this film feels genuine, like a lot of heart was put into both the story and the production value. The heart of the film is of course Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone). He may seem like the typical tough guy with a soft heart, but there is way more to him than that. Whenever he interacts with other people he does not go pick a fight with them, as you think he would judging by his appearance. He actually talks to people, he has conversations with them, and regular conversations that normal people would have, or regular conversations that this type of character would have. The conversations he was with and the way he works off of characters like his girlfriend Adrian (Talia Shire), her brother Paulie (Burt Young), his trainer Mickey (Burgess Meridith), or the loan shark he works for, all seem real. Mainly its because the character has such strong chemistry with each and every one of them, especially with Adrian and Mickey. With Adrian you do believe the two are in love with each other even before they admit when Rocky tries to flirt with her while she's just in the corner shy and hardly uttering a word. The two have strong feelings for each other and they behave like a normal and strong couple, the two would go to the ends of the earth to please the one they love. To me, the two has one of the best romance relationships ever in film. With Mickey, you can tell the two knew each other for a long time and that they are able to get each other out of trouble or when they are struggling with an inner conflict. Though most of the time Mickey is screaming and scolding Rocky, there are times when he is patient and calm with him, showing that he is not just Rocky's trainer but also his best friend. Also what makes Rocky such a center of the film is even though when he talks to people he seems chipper, but by himself he feels lonely, depressed, and feels like he has accomplished nothing in life. Only to fight freelance but what good does that do when people are constantly calling you a bum? That's why his main goal by the end of them film is not really to win against Apllo Creed (Carl Weathers), but to go the distance with him. That way he can prove that the fight is not a showcase, but a chance to prove to others that he is worth more thank they think of him to be. I think this is more powerful than him trying to win simply its a way to ascend from his depression, doubts, and fears and to prove he has the heart of a true fighter. Rocky just proves that anyone from anywhere can be a hero and an extraordinary person, you just have to go that extra step to prove it.
Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Super 8 (2011)
Again like Hugo, this film adores film enthusiasts, and also the genre of science fiction. Originally planned to be a love letter to Steven Spielberg's early science fiction films such as Close Encounters with the Third Kind and E.T., the film proved, well to me at least, that it was more than that. This could have just been a film that shared similar shots, character personalities, or plotlines from the films I have mentioned before, but it is also about dilemmas, differences, friendship, and dealing with tragedies of the past. This film has such a great cast of characters, primarily the children. They are not only entertaining to watch, but they act like real children, they have a genuine love for their separate interests, and they behave quite appropriate for the time period the film is set in. In every sub-genre of the film whether it would drama, romance, science fiction, and even some comedy are all handled perfectly. We see that the main lead Joe Lamb (Joel Courtney) has a lot of various relationships with his father Jack (Kyle Chandler), his friends, and his crush Alice (Elle Fanning). He has a complicated relationship with his father ever since the death of his mother, and the struggling relationship and sometimes harshness the two show one another is not forced or shoved in. Its understandable, and you can tell where both of their arguments are coming from. And though Joe does have an innocent crush on Alice, its sort of a complex relationship as well, as Alice's family may have had some connection with Joe's past, which makes it hard for her to be close to him. But on the other hand Joe does not really seem to care, he feels the same way about her as he had ever did, and to be honest that's kind of charming and heartwarming. It's a relationship where he feels he has a hard time opening up to her, when in reality she has troubles opening up to him because of some complications in the past. The science fiction aspect of the film is also done wonderfully, with new ways of approaching this certain kind of premise. I lie, it might not be entirely original and new, but it still kept me very invested in what was going on. Plus the film does have great build up and plenty of nail biting scenes to go along with them. Even though it was mostly marketed as a family film, the film still is not afraid to throw in some punches by adding a great amount of suspenseful and heart pounding moments. Filled with great characters, a great story, and plenty of genres successfully working off each other Super 8 is well...super. Next film.
The Dark Knight (2008)

Well that's #'s 60-51, so make sure to keep a look out for the rest! Later!
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