About Me
Welcome to Curtis & Movies! My name is Curtis Lopez, a film lover and buff since the age of 1. I grew up watching movies, either sitting or even standing in front of the screen watching the movie. They help me and I'm pretty sure others to escape the troubles and distractions of our reality and to be immersed and adapt the reality and world of the setting presented to us by the movies. Movies have greatly impacted our culture not only in the community of our families, friends, or nation, but the entire world. They give us stories, they give us characters, they give us morals, ideas, new ways of thinking, happiness, sadness, fear, and best of all an idea of what we can accomplish as human beings and the possibilities of discovering new people and adventures. A movie is technically an adventure, an adventure to a new exciting world far from our reality and present time that we want to escape and experience over and over again. The experience of watching an entertaining, story and character driven, and quality movie is one of the greatest globally cultural phenomenons of possibly the past century! On this blog I will do Random (or Selected) Reviews of the Day where I review a random movie that I have recalled seeing in the past. I will also review current movies that I have recently seen in theaters. I hope this blog and my reviews can help film lovers out there to express their thoughts and opinions on various films, which can help us to learn about each other and our different interests. My reviews are just my opinions so I suggest to not take them as fact but just as my perspective on how I saw the film personally, and if you want to share your opinion go on ahead! Post a comment or start your own blog, let us all share our ideas about the movies! Let the blog commence!