As always I like to start with character and I think the only one that I should focus mainly on is King Arthur To have a great comedy you must have a great comedic lead or show stealer and Graham Chapman as King Arthur is no exception. I think the best part about this character is that he seems wise and elegant like he came from another movie about King Arthur yet everybody else in the film treats him like dirt. It is like a guy role playing as Arthur at the park and the people interacting with tell him to go away or they heavily mock him. That is where most of the jokes and comedic scenes featuring this character, if not from the entire movie really hit, just the disrespect that Arthur gets even though he is trying his absolute best to be straight and elegant like a king but so much stuff happens to this guy that you can't help by laughing at his and his knights' misery and the strange obstacles they have to get across. So not only do I enjoy the personality of this character but I enjoy the disrespect and mock this character gets as I feel it works because he acts so elegant and wise but for some reason others can't take it seriously, but even I cannot take it seriously and that in my opinion is where the best jokes come from.
Now moving on to story? What story? Though I like this movie, I'll admit it is not a complex or conflict heavy story, like again Ghostbusters. But on the plus side I am not even mad at it for that, I think it works because mainly because of the neverending jokes and entertaining characters. The most story you are going to get out of it is the silly premise and really it is just like watching a feature-length video with people role-playing, reenacting a medieval war, or LARPing, but in a comedic fashion and they do it enjoyably here. Moments like the Holy Hand Grenade, The French Guards, The Killer Bunny, The Black Knight, The animator who got a heart attack, and the bridge keeper scene all make up for a complex story because the film successfully delivers a funny moment after a funny moment. I enjoyed it laughing all the way through.