Okay, so the only way I know how I can start this is to point out the things that I should or almost believe that does not work. Well I think the main problem I have with the film is that it is highly immature. Maybe it's the nature they intended to go with or it was meant to fit Jim Carrey's character, but come on, there's a scene where Ace literally talks through his anus to pester a cop. Plus there is a lot of filler and jokes that go on for just too long. It might feel funny at first, but then you already get the punchline and you just want the joke to stop already.
What I do like about the movie is what everybody who likes this movie likes about the movie, Jim Carrey. Whether you love him or you hate him, one has to admit that they cannot take their eyes off this man. Though I don't think he's the best comedic actor who has ever lived, for the most part I admit to actually enjoy watching him. I love the energy he has, the excitement, the overall thrill of playing a really over the top of role. I tip my hat to him for actually caring about the character he is playing and the performance he is giving. Yeah I might agree that his shtick is kind of repeated a lot and it did get old, but in my opinion he is at least very good at keeping my attention. The story is very simple. It's a comedy you don't really expect much. I mean it's not up there with the comedies that tend to be both a really good comedy with jokes keep being thrown at you and while actually having an engaging and entertaining story like Ghostbusters, but from what I remembered it was paced pretty average. A lot of times it was all over the place, but you can least know what's going on and still be somewhat interested.
So I think the biggest problem I have with the film right now is I don't know whether to like or dislike it yet, I'm sort of half and half. On one hand it's pretty immature and it seems like a 10-year old wrote but at the other hand it probably was what they were going for and at least they stuck with it and people including Jim Carrey himself seemed all over for it so I credit then for that. For now I can only give this film an average grade. I don't know whether it's good or bad yet, but I might see it again in the future and hopefully I'll have my decision.