This blog post is a little late for May the Fourth, but I can still make it for "THIS IS THE MAY" (Little bit of MANDALORIAN reference there). So in celebration of this "STAR WARS" month, I'm going back to my special What If editorials to do a What If, STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE was made today. Of course when the original STAR WARS was released in theaters in 1977, directed by George Lucas, and it changed the world of cinema forever. This movie influenced dozens of todays filmmakers, and hundreds of today's big blockbusters. Without STAR WARS, we wouldn't have filmmakers like James Cameron, Robert Rodriguez, Jon Favreau, Peter Jackson, Guillermo Del Toro, Taika Waititi, James Gunn, and many others. Also without STAR WARS, we wouldn't have big blockbuster films like JURASSIC PARK, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THE LORD OF THE RINGS films, HARRY POTTER, the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, the DCEU films, and probably even well-acclaimed genre TV shows like AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER, and GAME OF THRONES. STAR WARS has also left a huge stamp in pop culture, making an impact in the geek community. The franchise has passionate fans, sometimes fans who are too passionate. Yes lately, the Star Wars fandom have been quite divisive and debate heavy, on topics such as the prequel trilogy, the Disney-era sequel trilogy, the Clone Wars TV Series, etc.
But would Star Wars have that same impact today? If George Lucas was never around in 1977 and this influential film was never made back then, but instead made today in 2020, would it still be impressive to the mass audience. And almost as importantly, who would be the cast. Obviously people like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and the great late Carrie Fisher wouldn't be young enough for these roles. Now if STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE was made in 2020, let's try to cast this film as best as we can, so it can be as influential as it was when it was released in 1977. We are going start off with the supporting cast, working our way up, so here we go, first...
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru

Luke Skywalker's aunt and uncle on Tatooine, who have raised him since he was a little boy. Owen and Beru were practically Luke's parents, and unfortunately we know their lives came to a tragic end. After seeing their barbecued bodies, this of course inspired Luke to join Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi on his journey to Alderaan and become a Jedi, like his father Anakin. Owen is a grizzled man, living in the deserts of Tatooine as a moisture farmer. He is hard, strict, no nonsense, hard-working, but can be generous and loving uncle to Luke. Even though Owen can be hard on Luke sometimes, he is well-meaning and wants his best for the young man. Beru isn't fleshed out as much as Owen, but what we know from her she is caring, loving, and gentle. So here are my picks for 2020's Owen and Beru..

We know Michael Cudlitz from shows like THE WALKING DEAD, as the character of Abraham Ford. He can be tough, grizzled, and bit of a badass, so seeing him as a no nonsense tough as bones moisture farmer on Tatooine isn't that much of a stretch. We know Elizabeth Mitchell from movies like THE SANTA CLAUSE 2 and 3, THE PURGE: ELECTION YEAR, and TV shows like LOST as Juliet Burke, and ONCE UPON A TIME as the Snow Queen. Even though she played a villain in the latter, most of the things she's been in, we've seen she can play a character who is warm and sentimental, even though they can have their limits, Even though these characters wouldn't be in the film for that long, these actors can be good enough to make sure the characters can leave an impression on the audience. Next...

Even though we have memorable STAR WARS villains, like Vader, the Emperor, and Boba Fett, I feel like Tarkin doesn't get talked about enough. The character of Grand Moff Tarkin is ruthless and dangerous as much as he is classy, intelligent, charismatic, and well spoken. He as a presence to him that makes him a believable monster to the eyes of the Rebellion, yet at the same time an inspiring and charismatic leader to the Empire. So you need someone who as a stature to be both intimidating and classy, and my choice is...
Richard E. Grant is an actor gifted with presence. In films like LOGAN and even in RISE OF SKYWALKER, where he played Tarkin-like character in Enric Pryde, he proved that he can play a character that is both classy and intimidating. This casting is a no brainer. He is already familiar to the STAR WARS universe, so in an alternate universe where STAR WARS is introduced to the world in 2020, he can fit in just as perfectly. Now let's get to everyone's favorite neurotic protocol droid...
C-3PO, along with his fellow droid partner R2-D2, are icons of the STAR WARS franchise. They are literally the first characters we see in the original movie. They've been present throughout the entire Skywalker Saga, and act as a link that connects the entire story together. C-3PO, however, is known for bringing most of the comic relief to the series. Everything from his perfectionist, nervousness, and neurotic behavior makes him a unique character, and gives a type of dynamic to the STAR WARS cast, that makes it feel a lot more three-dimensional to the fans. So for Threepio, you need an actor who is very physical and can bring the same amount of unique comedic performance that the great Anthony Daniels brings to this character. And my choice is...
Not only is Taika known to be an impressive filmmaker, but also known to be a great physical comedic performer. In movies like WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS, THOR RAGNAROK, and JOJO RABBIT, which he also all directed, he can prove to bring a lot of his unique comedic energy. He always knows how to bring the laughs whether he is a vampire, a rock monster/alien, or a comedic Adolf Hitler that is part of the imagination of a 10-year old German boy. Whether he is in a physical costume, or disguised in CG effects, he can always bring out his performance no matter the situation. He definitely can be the modern day C-3PO. Now let's move to our well known main villain...

C-3PO, along with his fellow droid partner R2-D2, are icons of the STAR WARS franchise. They are literally the first characters we see in the original movie. They've been present throughout the entire Skywalker Saga, and act as a link that connects the entire story together. C-3PO, however, is known for bringing most of the comic relief to the series. Everything from his perfectionist, nervousness, and neurotic behavior makes him a unique character, and gives a type of dynamic to the STAR WARS cast, that makes it feel a lot more three-dimensional to the fans. So for Threepio, you need an actor who is very physical and can bring the same amount of unique comedic performance that the great Anthony Daniels brings to this character. And my choice is...
Not only is Taika known to be an impressive filmmaker, but also known to be a great physical comedic performer. In movies like WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS, THOR RAGNAROK, and JOJO RABBIT, which he also all directed, he can prove to bring a lot of his unique comedic energy. He always knows how to bring the laughs whether he is a vampire, a rock monster/alien, or a comedic Adolf Hitler that is part of the imagination of a 10-year old German boy. Whether he is in a physical costume, or disguised in CG effects, he can always bring out his performance no matter the situation. He definitely can be the modern day C-3PO. Now let's move to our well known main villain...

Now we are starting to get into the big leagues. Darth Vader is unarguably the most, if not one of the most, famous villains in cinema history. This character is truly an icon. What's even as iconic as this character, is the voice given to him. That voice was performed by the legendary James Earl Jones, whose voice is so known by audiences for many reasons, CNN, Mufasa from THE LION KING, and of course Vader. Of course David Prowse was the man in the costume performing Vader's movements and gestures, but you can get any large scaling bodybuilder or stuntman to do that, its the voice performance that is truly needed. It needs to be a voice that needs to be feared by heroes, rebels, scum and villainy alike across the galaxy. And I know just the guy to provide such voice...

Fishburne, in today's era, has been known to have a booming and commanding voice. He uses that voice to its' full potential in anything that he performs in. Whether that be as Morpheus in THE MATRIX trilogy, in BOYZ 'N' THE HOOD, the JOHN WICK films, MAN OF STEEL, and more. He can be seen as villain, just as well as he can be seen as a hero. His voice can carry so much gravitas, that it would be believable to be a voice feared by so many in the galaxy. And now on to Vader's old mentor...
Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi

The wise old Jedi who trained the likes of Luke's father Anakin, and Darth Vader (yet remember at this point we wouldn't know too much information *wink*). He is well-spoken, an intellect, clever, and still is very good in lightsaber combat. Ben Kenobi in the past has been part of many battles, and has been the the victor in the many of those battles. Like Tarkin, he can be classy and clever, yet deadly and dangerous. We're grateful that he is on the light side of the Force, unlike Tarkin. So someone who is known to bring a lot of charisma to his characters is very much needed, and my choice is...
Gary Oldman brings it all every time, no matter what movie you put him in. This a Shakespearean trained actor who always gives it 100%. Whether you talk about his roles in LEON: THE PROFESSIONAL, as Commissioner Gordon in THE DARK KNIGHT trilogy, as Winston Churchill in THE DARKEST HOUR, and as Sirius Black in the HARRY POTTER series, the Oscar-winning Oldman brings legit gravitas to all the movies he performs in. I can see him definitely as one of the most powerful and wise Jedi every to live in the STAR WARS galaxy. Now lets cast everyone's favorite galactic princess...

Unarguably one of the most iconic female fictional characters in pop culture along the likes of Wonder Woman. The late great Carrie Fisher brought a lot of attitude, spunk, likability, and unforgettable charm to this character that made fans around the world to fall in love with her. Carrie Fisher didn't just bring a lot of sweetness to the role, she also had a commanding presence. Once Luke and Han rescued her out of the cell, she immediately took charge in the escape plan, she just need a way out of her confined prison. And as we see in the rest of the original trilogy, she is a leader, a war general, a strategist, she is simply a symbol for the Rebellion. So we need a young actress in today's age who can bring those qualities. A rising star who audience seem to gravitate towards their performances, the more and more they appear. And I know, in my opinion, just the right young lady...

The more I see Elle Fanning in films, the more and more I seem to be impressed with her. From the time she appeared in JJ Abrams' SUPER 8, she proved to get you emotionally connected to her character. Then audiences see her in films like THE NEON DEMON, 20TH CENTURY WOMEN, and LIVE BY NIGHT, and are always impressed of how mature her performances seem to be, even for her age. She also proved to that she can walk out of her older sister's, Dakota Fanning, shadow and be an impressive performer of her own. I believe she can bring that same presence, charm, likability, spunk, and sense of leadership, just like Carrie Fisher did back in the original trilogy. Now let's cast her future love, and everyone's favorite scruffy looking nerf herder...

You can't talk about iconic without mentioning the lovable scoundrel, Han Solo, played by the equally as iconic Harrison Ford. From the first moment we see Solo, men and women audiences alike were smitten with him. Women wanted to be with him, men wanted to be him. What is more cool than travelling around in space adventures while piloting your own spaceship, and in the co-pilot's seat, a 9 foot Wookie, named Chewbacca, who also sort of acts as Han's bodyguard. Han is charming, cool, charismatic, as he is also deadly with a blaster. He's been through many dangers that has hardened him, so despite his charming demeanor, he's not afraid to shoot down people who are trying to aggressively get after him. So we need a somewhat young and upcoming actor, who can prove to be charming, charismatic, and just as importantly very tough. So my choice is...

Lakeith is getting more recognition and notice the more he appears in films. He has proven in films like SORRY TO BOTHER YOU, KNIVES OUT, and UNCUT GEMS, he can be quite charismatic, while having somewhat of an edge to him at the same time. I am positive he can bring that same toughness and charm that Harrsion Ford did back in 1977. Despite being actually pretty young, he has accomplished in taking on roles that would deem to be to mature for him to play, if he was around in the late 70s. Times have changed, and with his experience, Han Solo seems more than a fit for Stanfield. Now let's move on to our last character, our hero that we follow through on this epic galactic journey...

Luke Skywalker, without a doubt deserves to be in the pantheon of greatest heroes in all of fictional media. He is the, if not one of the flagship characters of the STAR WARS franchise. He is pretty much the base character that comes to people's mind, whenever they think about the concept of the Hero's Journey. Sure at the start, Luke can come across as a whiny and somewhat naive youth, but his journey causes him to experience immense character growth, by the time we see him in RETURN OF THE JEDI. Thanks to Mark Hamill's performance, Luke went from a believable zero to hero. So we need an actor with incredible amount of innocent youth to his appearance, but with the potential to grow into a believable hero. My pick, I'll have to admit is embarrassingly predictable...

Now c'mon, how more youthful can you get than Tom Holland. One of the easiest examples to go to on how Holland can perform an bit of an awkward yet still likable youth, is his performance as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We also hear that he is going to be in a new movie directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, The Russo Brothers,(directors of AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR and ENDGAME) called CHERRY, where he plays a very complex and disturbed character. From what we hear from the directors as well, this might be an Academy-worthy performance! So we know Holland can be versatile and expand his range. which is quite needed for Luke Skywalker throughout the series. Luke is at first hopeful and yearning to learn, then he becomes jaded anger prone, then finally wise and responsible. I believe Holland can go through that growth and emotional journey, which is why I think he would make a great Luke Skywalker.
Now these choices may work in an alternative universe, or they might be poor decisions. I went through a lot of thinking to come up with this cast, and at least in my opinion this is the one that can best possibly work. I believe with the combination of these performers, this will surely hope the original STAR WARS to be popular and inspirational if it made its grand debut in 2020, just as it did in 1977. What do you think? Do you like or dislike my choices? Who would you cast? Let me know. Be safe everyone, and May The Force Be With You!