There are a lot of impressive performances by a well put together cast. We have Benedict Cumberbatch who plays Whitey's brother, Billy Bulger, a man that loves his brother but does his best to keep as far away from his criminal activity as possible because of his career as a politician. We also have Kevin Bacon and Adam Scott as heads of the FBI division in Boston, roles which could have been played by anyone but it was still nice to see this two in the movie. We have Corey Stoll who plays Det. Fred Wyshak, a man determined to bring Whitey down. We have Dakota Johnson who plays Whitey's wife. Then we have Joel Edgerton as John Conolly, the agent who hires on Whitey as an informant and keeps some of his murders a secret. Edgerton gives one of the best performances in the film as he plays a man desperately tries to move up the ranks but is pressured into keeping very dark secrets about his associate. This film has a pretty stacked cast of talents. But of course the star of the entire movie is Johnny Depp as Whitey Bulger. Before I say anything else, I would like to admit that I believe Johny Depp is one of the most talented, diverse, and impressive actors we have seen this generation. But lately, his choices in films and roles, have not been so good and do not live up to the talent he possesses. This role however, HOLY COW, SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! Let me tell you folks, this role proves that Depp is a respected talent, because he plays one of the most dark, twisted, mean, unethical, violent, scary as hell, crap your pants with bricks S.O.B.s I have seen in recent years. Depp is the focus and the star of this movie! He makes it! I should also feel that I should give props to the make-up artist for this character, because it helps Depp dive into the role. At first he looks like an aged Dracula, but as the film goes on it grows on you, and I mean REALLY grows on you. You can just feel those cold blue eyes that Depp has in the film stare into the heart of your soul! I do not often find myself scared that much by performances that have been deemed to be the scariest in film history like Hannibel Lecter, Heath Ledger's Joker, and believe it or not even Darth Vader; but yeah, this guy scares the hell out of me! You will find yourself terrified of looking at this guy, but the problem will be you can't stop looking!
Director Scott Cooper does a magnificent job of making the audience feel the dreadful and disturbingly dark tone the film has to offer. This all thanks to the pace, shot framing, lighting, musical score, and of course the impressive performances given to us by his cast. It's a marvel of direction. If there is one problem I have to address, and unfortunately it's kind of a big one is the story. The main plot with Edgerton being involved in all these second degree murders and Bulger being an informant, I was really not in to it. To some it may be gripping, but to me it is what brought the film down a little. I was actually more interested in the personal lives of the characters themselves, especially Whitey. These are still wonderfully written and performed characters, just having a couple of them involved in some small talk is far more interesting than the main plot. The scenes in which Whitey is chatting with someone or even intimidating someone are far more engaging than the stuff about him being an informant. I can watch these little scenes the characters share with one another in some sort of film that was packaged with some small scenes involving Whitey and that would have been just as satisfying as watching a gripping and coherent narrative that started from beginning to end. These scenes and the characters alone are the saving grace of the film, but it's unfortunate that it was brought down by story issues. Not the film's fault that it wanted an engaging plot, all films should, but this one in particular did not do much for me.
Though I have issues with the story, I am not going to give this film a low grade because of that, because like I said before its the characters, the scenes of dialogue they share, and Depp terrifying and gripping performance is what I love the most and what saved the movie. I will say that I do not believe this film is for everyone. If you cannot handle excessive bloody violence or movies with a tone that is so dark, depressing, and heavily dreadful that you may need to take a good cold shower just cleanse yourself, then this one is not for you. But, if you want to see Johnny Depp give one of the best performances he has ever had in his career, a performance so good that it actually manages to carry the film, go and check it out! Do yourself a favor and be disturbed!