The ensemble of the cast brings it their all and are highly entertaining. Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine, the lead character of the film. Because he played the character for almost fourteen years now, his acting developed along with the character and he gets better and better with each film. But some of my problems with the past X-Men films is that they mostly focused on Wolverine, where X-Men is really supposed to be an ensemble team film. Every single character on this team should be a lead. Thankfully, this film is not fully Wolverine's movie or is it entirely focused on him, despite what a good character he is. This film mostly belongs to James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Jennifer Lawrence as the younger Professor Xavier, Magneto, and Mystique respectively. And this film is rightly theirs as the actors and the story itself take advantage of every scene they are in. In each of their scenes they deliver fantastic performances that will leave the audience with memorable highlights. The older Xavier and Magneto, played by Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen respectively, also take advantage of the minimum screen time they have as opposed to their younger counterparts and give very good performances. Their characters are give solid development as well. The film also includes other mutants from the X-Men comic books such as Kitty Pryde, Iceman, Bishop, Storm, and Blink, and even though they do not play huge roles or given much development as the leads, they take advantage of their screen time by being in a set of very entertaining action scenes that take place in the future setting. A new addition to the cast, the speedy mutant Quicksilver (Evan Peters), succeeds to steal the scene in every frame that he is in. A very special scene including the character will sure to get comic book fanboys cheering and jumping from their seats.
Bryan Singer returns to the franchise as a director after directing the first two films and taking about an eleven year absence. Singer seems to bring this flair that the X-Men movies where missing for a very long time. After leaving the theater the audience can feel satisfied and entertained after watching this film. Not only does it bring good entertainment and stellar action scenes, but it provides a very good story. The number one element needed for a good film! The story is creative and fascinating that the audience is sure to eager to follow. It is not just a solid story fitted for a comic book film, it is a good and well written story period despite the genre. It proves that comic book films are truly evolving and are not here just to make quick bucks. X-Men Days of Future Past, was just not only an entertaining but a worth while experience for me. It is an example of a film that is not only a very good comic book film, or very good action film, but a very good film in general!