This film has a majority of likable, entertaining, and complex cast members. Anna, one of the main leads, is a naïve but likable, adventurous, and entertaining princess. She pretty much almost runs on the same level as princesses like Ariel or Rapunzel. She shares some of the same qualities like being overall naïve, adventurous, and cute. Like how Disney made the former two princesses likable (depends on one's opinion), they do the same with Anna. Except I think Anna maybe a little better than the two. She has her flaws yes, but I like that some of those flaws do not go to a point in which the audience can hate the character at one point. They are justified because of her backstory and they also help move the story forward. When she is having fun, you can tell that she is and you have fun along with her. Plus her determination and confidence in bringing her sister back is admiring to watch. Throughout most of the film she has an upbeat positive attitude, is nice but is shown to have her limits, and she is dedicated to her goals. That's something that can be inspiring. Her guide Kristoff, may first come off as a copy of the Flynn Rider character from Tangled. But he does develop his own interesting personality and backstory that definitely differentiates from the other character. Plus, his relationship and scenes shared with his reindeer Sven is very entertaining to watch and you can tell the two are best buds, which also gives enough dimension to the reindeer. Then we have Olaf, the magic talking snowman, and probably the character Disney marketed the most when promoting this film. I was about ready to HATE this character. I couldn't stand his picture and face plastered throughout all the trailers and posters for this film. I was enraged that Disney marketed this character the most when really it should have been Anna and Elsa. I thought his design was beyond dumb and lazy and he gave a bad impression to audience members to what the film was going to focus on. If the film bombed, he would have been the number one reason. So as I sat down, watched the film until that character came on screen, put on my combat gear, and said "Bring it Frosty!" But the film clearly had the last laugh as to my surprise I ended up finding the character very funny and entertaining just as most people who went to see this film. All his comedic lines are delivered perfectly and Josh Gad gives an unforgettable performance. Plus, like Anna, he has this upbeat and positive attitude throughout that proves to be more than likable. There's another character named Hans (voiced by Santino Fontana), a prince from another kingdom whom Anna immediately falls in love with. At first he seems like a likable and useful character. But then the story does something else with this character. Not going to spoil what it is but if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about. I'm not full against this decision as it had potential. And that potential could have been fulfilled if executed properly. But to me it just comes out of nowhere and it seems weird to me. I don't hate it, I just find it kind of weird. But let's get to the star, my hands down favorite character, and probably the best Disney heroine since Belle from Beauty and the Beast, the Snow Queen herself, Elsa. Elsa is a character with great conflict, tragedy, and complexities to her backstory. Because of her powers she is forced to, and later forces herself, to distance herself away from her sister, because her powers are becoming more uncontrollable , even when their parents are gone she has to keep that vow. Plus she has to distance herself from the kingdom or else the civilians will see her as a monster if she reveals her powers. On top of that she has to take the burden of the throne, so she has to lead these people now. That's a lot of pressure for the character. I also like despite her incredible beauty, the people still mistreat her because of her powers. This makes her situation a lot more realistic and not go the traditional Disney norm having the people thing she is some sort of beautiful enchantress. Her complexities really start to show when she does become the Snow Queen and creates her ice castle. She seems happy that she can finally be herself and not worry about the judgment of others, but at the same time you can sense the sadness and loneliness she feels inside, especially the fact that she has to distance herself from Anna even further. This makes her really complex and it allows the audience to feel heavy sympathy for her, which in turn makes the audience emotionally attached to her. On top of that Idina Menzel gives an incredible voice performance for the character. When I heard that Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West from Wicked was attached to play this character, I was hyped. And the results were far from disappointing. That and her design is just BEAUTIFUL, most especially her Snow Queen form. I don't care if there is criticism and controversy that Elsa and Anna look too much like other Disney princesses from the past. To me Elsa's design is very unique and it is stunning. Whoever supervised the animation for this character, bravo! Both Elsa and Anna are proof that Disney is only creating stronger characters when it comes to their female leads.

As always in Disney's case, the animation is beautiful and stunning. Some of the human character design may seem like they have been reused from Tangled, with the exception of Elsa in my opinion, they are still impressive to look at. Plus there is enough of changes to the designs to make them seem different and give the film its own identity. The true beauty of the animation comes to life with the setting, backgrounds, and any scenes having to do with snow or ice. The kingdom of Arendelle looks stunning and beautiful whenever there are establishing shots. And when the kingdom is cursed in eternal winter, it looks appropriately dark, gloomy, and depressing. But the real beauty is behold whenever there are scenes involving Elsa's ice castle, from the time she builds and throughout. The ice looks realistic, stylized, and it succeeds to just pop. Disney has proven that they can make successful and beautiful looking CG films, probably even without the help of Pixar. Then there are the songs that are written by Robert Lopez and his wife/songwriting partner Kristen-Andersen Lopez, of The Book of Morman fame. The music is more of a contemporary Broadway musical style as opposed to the traditional grand Broadway style The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin had. But it is still a unique, fun, and entertaining style. The songs are catchy and upbeat, and most importantly they successfully do the job what songs in musicals are supposed to do. Help convey the characters feelings and emotions inside and help give a push to the story by providing an essential plot point. Songs like "For the First in Forever", "Do You Want to Build a Snowman", "Love is an Open Door", and "In Summer" help do just that. But hands down the best song in the entire film is "Let it Go", sung by Elsa. As always Idina Menzel's singing voice during this song is incredible and she can belt a note! On top of that the lyrics and melody is beautiful and emotional. The song sequence itself could not have been as impressive without the stunning animation of Elsa building her castle and transforming her dress. This is the point when I knew this film was going to be awesome and can be easily be ranked up there with some of Disney's best!
The story is written solidly, and it is well structured as well as well paced. There is one minor weird twist, but the rest of the plot points and twists are genius, especially one seen in the climax in the film that goes in a new direction that Disney themselves have never probably went before. The story about sisterly love and relationships, well not only sisters but sibling relationships are rarely focused on in Disney films. Usually our main character is an orphan or only child. Yeah Ariel had sisters, but they were hardly focused on. Frozen gives a revolutionary, fresh, and charming story that has finally come out of the Mouse House what seemed to be years ever since something like The Lion King came out. This is the grade "A" success that recent fairy tales like The Princess and the Frog and Tangled were trying to achieve. Don't get me wrong those two are good movies, but they are not really outstanding films. This is an outstanding film as well as almost perfect if given a few more tweaks and changes. Throughout all the other major praise this film has received, some critics are even saying its as good as something like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King. To be honest I would be lying if I say that were true. I think this film still needs a little more touches in order for that to be. But what I can say this is one of the Disney greats that has ever been released in a long, long, long, LONG time! Yeah we got some decent and entertaining ones along the way, but to me this film barely makes my top ten animated Disney favorites. That's right, I went there! And I'm a Disney nut! So that's saying something, which means this film is still really REALLY good! I recommend this film for everyone to see. This does not deserve just a modest run in the box office, it deserves to break some records. With a film that delivers the beautiful animation, catchy songs, entertaining characters, and a touching story that the Disney we know and love is known for delivering, you know you are in for a treat. Frozen is simply Disney Animation's way of saying "We're BAAAAAAACK!"
Grade: AE
Of course the kids are going to love it more, but there's still plenty to be enjoyed by the parents in this flick. Good review Curtis.