Selected Review of the Day: STAR WARS (1977)

Folks we are finally here! The review of the original Star Wars! This is the film that started it all and probably changed the course of Hollywood film making forever. Out of the imaginative mind of George Lucas, say what you want about his Star Wars decisions in the later years, comes a story and a world that would change and affect the lives of film lovers in the entire galaxy! We all know the story, when two droids, C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) are stranded on a desert planet called Tatooine after they escape an attack by the evil Empire on a spaceship, they come across young farm boy Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). Luke finds a message in R2-D2 from the beautiful Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), of her urging a great warrior named Obi-Wan Kenobi to help her in danger. Obi-Wan happens to be Ben Kenobi (Alec Guiness), an old wise hermit living out in the dunes. Ben pleads Luke to help him in this mission and to become a Jedi warrior, like Obi-Wan and Luke's own father before him. Young Luke has no choice as the Empire is on the droids tail. Luke and Obi-Wan seek the help of rogue smuggler Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his Wookie friend Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), as they board Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon and head to the treacherous Death Star where they must rescue the princess and face the evil Darth Vader (played by David Prowse, voiced by James Earl Jones). Are some moments dated, yes, but every moment is awe inspiring and entertaining.


Mark Hamill does well as  the young adventure seeker Luke Skywalker. Sure he is a bit whiny and upstart at first, but it can be easily overlooked, and his character arc does change throughout the course of the movie and becomes a noble hero by the end. His arc greatly evolves during the course of the series, but we will get to that when we get to it. Harrison Ford as Han Solo is what everybody who loves him says he is. Smooth, cool, and badass. But there is definitely more to him than that. He starts off as a snarky, sarcastic, and rather selfish man at first but he does learn what it means to be a decent person as the story progresses. Princess Leia seems as a typical damsel in distress at first, but later in the movie it reveals that she is a tough no nonsense gal who has much wit as she is bold. One minute she is being rescued, the next she his grabbing a blaster joining the fight! Fisher is awesome as this character and proves to be one of the first progressive female characters. Alec Guiness is seen as one of the most respected actors in the history of film. Though it has been said he had little faith in this movie while filming it, calling it "a silly child's fairy tale", he still gives it his all and is convincing as an old wise hero. Through this first film of an inspiring trilogy, Darth Vader already proves himself to be an iconic villain. His presence is so strong and commands a lot of force, no pun intended. True, that David Prowse, the man in the suit gives much weight to the character's presence and movements, but James Earl Jones' voice performance is equally as strong, giving the character much gravitas. Easily makes you forget about the poor story arcs and performance in the prequels. There are also great stand out and iconic  characters like Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing), who have several great moments. This proves to be a film with great, iconic, and memorable characters. 

The action scenes in this movie, though not as fast paced and grand like today's action blockbusters, is still engaging today. Whenever people are blasting at each other it feels like a somewhat corny but still very entertaining old school serial, which was the feeling George Lucas was trying to show off intentionally, very Flash Gordon inspired. The space battle at the end is the best, very high on adrenaline and it drags me to the edge of my seat. There has never been that many great airborne battles in Hollywood films at the time and this scene made a landmark. It is entertaining as well as suspenseful. Though the lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Vader is a bit dated and slow, it still proves to be an engaging conflict between old master and apprentice. 

The settings feel real, not because they are actual built sets, but the production design makes them feel convincing for this world. Some may seem a little dense and a claustrophobic's nightmare, but they seem like they belong. Places like the Millennium Falcon, the Death Star, and even the bar on Tatooine seem very life like. George Lucas did an impressive job in showing off this imaginative world to his audience.

The story is nothing grand, and is pretty basic. Just about a group of heroic young rebels fighting a dark and oppressive and enemy. People have heard it before even for back then. But I think that is what is so special about the first Star Wars. It is a film that celebrates classic storytelling about good vs. evil, and a hero's journey. This story works because it has great memorable characters and an immersive, grand, and imaginative world to back it up. I know there is not much to say, other than what others have said about this movie already. But that is what this movie left for everyone who has seen it then and who has seen it now, speechless. There is a reason why people go nuts for this movie even till today. It creates an epic and fun adventure that audiences can be easily enchanted by. I know it  has made a lasting impression on me especially, inspiring to be a creator and artist of my own. But not only that, but like Luke Skywalker, to take initiative to the right thing when the time calls for it. That is why we root for him during the space battle to destroy the Death Star. Here we want to see the best of good win, and it makes it entertaining and engaging. Star Wars is simply a great blast that will continue to blow millions of new Jedis away in the future! 



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